You've probably heard that getting several auto insurance quotes is one of the best ways to save money. However, many people are too busy or just don't want to take the time to get quotes. The result is that they may be spending more than necessary on their car insurance. Here's a way to make the process easy.
Now's a good time to shop for car insurance because companies are competing for your business and that often means lower rates are available. The other thing is that rates do vary from one company to the next, so getting some comparison quotes is a great way to save -- even hundreds.
Now you could spend time
calling companies and agents out of the phone book, or surfing the Internet for the names of individual companies you might be interested in like Allstate, GEICO and such. What you'll need to do, in order to get the best apples-to-apples comparison, is provide the same information for each quote that you request. This information includes the coverages and deductibles you desire, names of drivers, mileage you drive, make and model of your vehicle and more.
There is a more convenient way. Use an insurance comparison Web site. These sites do not represent a single insurance company. You simply go to the site and they will have some sort of quote request box. You just click on that and fill out a quote request for auto insurance or whatever type of insurance you are looking for.
Your request is then distributed to several different companies and/or agents who will now compete for your business. This means you'll get several different quotes back to compare, and you only had to enter your information once. You can see why many people choose this route.
Often you can print out the quotes, but it does help to jot down some notes about each quote: The premium, the coverages, any discounts, the service you think you got etc. This will help you do your final comparison to decide which is the best value.
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