1. Make sure you do NOT give false details when you complete your forms. One of the factors that have kept rates as high as they are is insurance fraud. It's making everyone pay a lot more.
If you're one such people who don't care what your actions cost the rest, then be informed that your insurance provider will cancel your policy once they discover your details are false. You'll then lose in a very big way. Your rates are raised by a big margin by your new insurer once your auto insurance policy lapses.
Reports have it that the average American family pays about $1,500 extra premium dollars because of insurance fraud. Help make the world a better place by doing your bit to ensure we don't have to pay a lot more.
2. A multi-vehicle discount is a proven and simple way to enjoy more affordable rates. Howbeit, there are several cases where you'll make more savings by buying from different insurance carriers. You can be sure by first doing a little research before taking this step. But even if you're not inclined to doing some shopping around, you can be sure that you'll still save a bit with a multi-vehicle discount.
3. Stay claims-free for more than three years and most insurers will give you a special discount. Here's a tip: Even though you might have cause to make a claim, don't if they are minor issues. Handling little fixes on your own will help you save more as you'll get a big discount.
4. For those who
are less than 25 years, auto insurance rates can be truly outrageous. If you belong to this age bracket you can get lower rates if you maintain good grades at school.
You need to maintain a grade point of not less than B to have a good student discount. This will slash off as much as five percent from your rate once you meet eligibility requirements. This discount is given because insurers claim there is a connection between good grades and a young person's composure while driving. Reckless students are very unlikely to keep getting good grades.
5. Certain lines of duty get more affordable rates. Scientists are the cheapest to insure while business owners are among the most expensive to insure. Statistics, for example, reveals that scientists (because of their discipline and way of life) are better risks than all other professions.
Ask your agent if your profession qualifies you for certain discounts. Just note that each insurer might maintain a slightly different position.
6. If you elect to pay your premiums monthly, you'll pay higher rates. The ads may show that monthly payments are convenient but what you're not told is how much extra you pay for this.
If you do transactions with banks you'll agree with me that each check you process is regarded as transaction which attracts a certain charge. Over the course of a year, your monthly checks would be processed differently because they are all different transactions. This implies that transaction charges would be 12 times more for those who pay monthly.
Besides, there are also administrative costs that come with the monthly payment option. For instance, it costs insurers millions of dollars annually to mail payment notices..
The additional administrative cost to your insurance provider is ultimately paid by you (that's in addition to their own profit margin for providing such a "convenient" option).
7. Get and compare many auto insurance quotes. You might save several hundreds or even a few thousand dollars by simply receiving quotes from not less than five quotes sites. This gives you a broader basis for doing more extensive comparisons thereby increasing your chances of realizing more savings.
Here are great pages for auto insurance quotes...
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