Securing good auto insurance from a respectable, reliable company has never been so simple. Using instant auto insurance quote features on the big companies' websites, you easily can shop the entire market, and you never need to talk to a salesperson. In fact, when the third largest company in the United States claims "fifteen minutes can save you 15%," they assume that you must type very slowly, and they estimate your savings very conservatively. Do not, however, visit just one site and decide, because in very little time, you can visit all of them, finding optimal coverage and minimal rates.
Do it yourself instant auto insurance quote
the sites will not demand information you do not already have readily available. You may, however, need a little "cheat sheet" with your auto license plate numbers, your driver's license number, and your lien-holder's minimum requirements for coverage; you also will need an accurate estimate of how many miles you drive every year, and you need basic information about your vehicle-especially the current reading on its odometer.
As you complete the forms for your instant auto insurance quote, you will enter information about custom equipment and after-market accessories on your vehicle. Of course, you should answer honestly, but you do have a choice: if you do not list your custom rims, you will save some money on your premium, but your insurance will not cover them in the event of theft of damage. The same principle applies to your sound system and Bluetooth gear. Also keep in mind that anti-theft devices save you at least 10% on your insurance premiums. If you
do not have an alarm and "kill switch," install them; your insurance savings will more than cover the cost of their installation.
Before you start clicking, you may also want to consider what you need and what you can afford: Do you, for example, want a roadside assistance package, and do you want the insurance company to pay for a rental car while your car is in the shop? How much do you want and need to protect yourself against uninsured motorists, and how high can you set your deductibles before you cannot afford out-of-pocket expenses in the event of an accident? When you take a few minutes to gather your information, your pointing and clicking go faster and the results are more accurate.
Instant auto insurance quote shows coverage options.
If you own your car outright, technically you require less coverage than you needed while the bank or finance company still held the title. When you payoff your loan, comprehensive and collision protection become optional. In most states and provinces, the law simply requires that you carry liability and uninsured motorist coverage, the minimum requirements for showing financial responsibility. Other provisions, then, protect the car rather than your wallet.
Auto insurance experts naturally recommend that you continue carrying full coverage even after you retire your debt. Consider, for example, whether you would be able to pay the full replacement cost of the vehicle if it were stolen. Also consider the average cost of a collision repair-approximately $3000(US); could you afford to pay that cost from your pocket?
Instant auto insurance quote makes comparison shopping a snap.
In a recent consumer test, Meredith Blake, financial analyst at Patterson-Forbes Partners, visited the websites for the top ten auto insurance companies in the United States. Blake surveyed not only premiums but also the sites' speed and ease-of-use, finding that all of them delivered reliable information within ten minutes of her request. In her test, Blake easily secured instant auto insurance quotes from all ten companies within an hour. "Amazingly simple!" Blake exclaimed at the end of her test.
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