Let me first make this clear. You need to rid your mind of the thinking that cheap policies mean inadequate coverage. Insurers are business people and need to make profit. The money you pay as premium is used for the day to day running of their business and a part of it is invested. If an insurance company has found a way of cutting down their operational cost while at the same time increasing the return on investment, it would mean that they would be in a position to offer lower rates to their customers. From this, you can safely conclude that an insurer that charges very high rate is not necessarily doing too well on these fronts and need charge high rates to break even. Knowing this, you can confidently go to find a solid insurer offering low rates for the cover you need.
Your first move towards saving is to decide what coverage you need. If you own a new car, then you would likely need a comprehensive coverage to really protect your investment. If however your car is somewhat aged, you may not need to
have a comprehensive coverage. Drop your collision and comprehensive coverage as this would be costing you more that you would gain in claim settlement. Just get the basic coverage you would need to drive legally. You would make nice savings by getting this out of the way.
When you have settles this, you should then go on to getting and comparing quick auto insurance quotes. Comparing quick auto insurance quotes is so important if you would make any meaningful savings. DO not take it lightly. Visit quotes comparison sites and get a free online car insurance quote from as many insurance companies as you can.
After getting and comparing your quotes, move on to making more savings by looking for discounts. Your insurance company would not be eager to let you know of all the discounts unless you ask them. The more discounts you can qualify for, the more savings you can make. Students who usually attract high rates, can get discounts if you have good grades at school. This may come as surprise to you. Talk with your agent to confirm this.
You get discounts for maintaining a clean driving record, reducing the mileage you cover, getting trained in defensive driving, installing safety devices in yor car like automatic seat belts, air bags etc, installing security gadgets in your car. You would be surprised at the amount fo savings you can make if you took advantage of all the possible discounts.
You should take a close look at the deductible you have chosen. Your deductible is the amount you would have to pay before your claim is settled by your insurer. The higher your deductible, the lower your rates and the lower your deductible, the higher your rates would be. Do not take comparison shopping for granted. Make sure you get free online car insurance quote before buying a policy. Get these quick auto insurance quotes from quotes comparison sites and be sure you are on your way to making significant savings on your car insurance.
How do I start my quotes comparison? Here are two very good sites to start getting your quotes.
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